I’ve always had a sense of adventure.  I left the confines of Colchester when I was 18 to live in the Inner Hebrides and I suspect that it’s there, on Coll, that my love of freedom became even more embedded.  They were magical days of nature, community, connection and fun.  The island was my home for 7 years, during which time I did a Geography degree at Glasgow University, furthering my interest in different cultures and development studies and also my desire for exploration.  I spent a month in the tundra by Vatnajokull in Iceland with one expedition and led an expedition to Spitsbergen the following year, camping in the wilderness of a remote fjord, surrounded by calving glaciers, Artic foxes and the possibility of polar bears. Wonderful.

After uni  I worked for a gap year organisation based on Coll and travelled to Asia and Africa,  both for work and for pleasure.  It was then, in my early 20s, that I fell in love with India.  This love remains and deepens every time I go.  The undeniable energy of Mother India!

Since then I’ve also had another brief life as a successful software account manager, worked for a conservation charity and been dedicated to bringing up my 2 girls, before embarking on a photography career spanning  different genres.  

Though my path has been somewhat varied I now see patterns and skills that weave it all together; a love of people, community and nature and my warmth, empathy and ability to connect. 

My passion with photography lies in capturing the soul of things, the very essence of people and places.  Seeing and celebrating beauty and diversity in the world and also our underlying similarity, our humanity  and unity.  Our Spirit. 

I love to support people with purpose. Good people doing good things.

When I’m not exploring, you’ll find me dancing, drumming, singing and chanting, practicing yoga and in the field at conscious festivals.